Racial Discrimination In The Criminal Justice System Essay

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Our government needs to focus on one of the issues most in need of attention in America today, which is the racial discrimination within the entire criminal justice system. Racial discrimination is seen in many police departments and in the court systems, these are the most visible sign of racial bias in America. The racially bias American judicial system has made it to where African American men, constitute up the majority of prisons and jail population. African American men are also more likely to be imprisoned than white men for the same crimes. Racial inequality is a serious problem that is growing every day. In recent years, there have been numerous videos in the media that show proof of a corrupt system with racist police officers. Even …show more content…

According to Discoverpolicing.org, it is different in some states, but all it takes is one to two years at a community college, a few months at a training program, and a psychological test to become a police officer. The same site also states that there is no national standard curriculum for the training programs.(discoverpolicing.org, n.d.) The psychological tests for police officer are not good enough, either, if there are so many police officers being reported for racial discrimination crimes. There is more violence from white police officers against the African American race than any other race (Kindy & Kelly, 2015). In recent years, there have been many of videos on the news of white police officers harming African Americans. These videos are from all over the United States, and this is proof that it is too easy to become an officer of the law in America. It should be harder to become a police officer. They are ones that interact with citizens and are expected to uphold the law. They have a responsibility to treat everyone equally. Instead we have many racist police officers who treat African Americans as though they were trash, and this must