Raising The Minimum Wage Essay

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The United States has struggled economically off and on since the early years of our nation. Our most recent downhill economic spill was in 2008 when the housing market crashed and people were left unemployed and hopeless. understanding the minimum wage first is key to making a decision. If the nation continues to keep the minimum wage at $7.25, then people will have a hard time living and supporting a family with that ammount of money, but if we raise the minimum wage, the nation will have to make sacrifices with other things, this might include quality of roads or welfare benefits. Either way it is hard for one person to live off of $7.25 an hour, even if they are full time. Raising the minimum wage nationwide would do wonders to our government economically and taxes wouldn’t …show more content…

This is an easy way for people to talk about raising the minimum wage. With the way the world is today, everyone is constantly online reading and looking at information. Nearly everyone has a form of social media, and this is good outlet to begin highlighting the cause at hand. It’s easy for an elected official to begin a hashtag to see whether people like the idea of not.
Is an easy way to provide feedback immediately. Holding meetings is good way to talk about the issue at hand. People can compromise and find a way to know how to accomplish raising the minimum wage. Many people could attend and express their views. This is a good way to fix things they don’t lie about raising the minimum wage and find ways to make what they do want to happen.
Let busniess know the upside of raising the minimum wage. Targeting service industries is a good idea because they are the businesses that provide minimum wage to workers. This can allow people to discover their opportunities and how this can affect their business in a good way.
More people may apply and work harder with the higher wages. The quality of life will

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