
Reflective Model In Nursing

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I am a nurse in one of the aged care, one day I started to give shower to my elderly client with love and care but she refused to shower. After that I spend some time with her. I talk with her politely, give her some time and try to figure out her feelings and reason behind refusing shower. She was not comfortable to shower before breakfast but likes to be shower after. So I respect her feeling thus gave her shower after breakfast as she prefer. Also, I report and request supervisor to change her shower schedule after breakfast. I provide her care with compassion being nonjudgmental. I was fully committed and competences in my work as I always do. After few days, she said me that I was very kind, honest and different from other nurse. She expressed …show more content…

Values are principle of life that provides pathway to their performance. There is reflection of our values in our day-to-day work and actions. The values and beliefs reflect our behavior and make our work extraordinary (Khosla & Bhagat 2009). So, I strongly believe that we are living with our own values and these values are guiding us to perform our activities.

Using Rolfe Reflective Model What? So what? and Now What? Rolfe, Freshwater & Jasper (2001) I would like to reflect my core values and beliefs that are important to me as a nurse in relation to the creative representation. Also, I like to demonstrate how this will allow me to be authentic in my future practice.

In my creative representation in part A, I have shown respect, teamwork, commitment, excellence, compassion, competence, courageous, justice and accountability as the main values and beliefs that need to be followed by a nurse. Following these values help to provide a high quality standardized care to the patients resulting patients satisfaction. These are the values and beliefs I follow and consider important as a nurse to accomplish high quality patient …show more content…

Analysis of the experience shared above gives me a deeper insight into the importance of values and beliefs in nursing practice. Following these help my future practice and behavior to be authentic. When I reflect back, I recognize that I have used my personal skills and knowledge being competence to provide holistic care to clients with love, respect, compassion and ethical values. It reinforced and made me alert to follow nursing values and beliefs in my profession to practice in order to achieve patient’s

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