Reflection On Child Development

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My placement was held at Cambridge Road Play and Learn in Rosny Tasmania. The area is a medium level socioeconomic area in the southerly region of Tasmania. The centre, Cambridge Road Play and Learn are a 60 place centre which has three rooms of children, the youngest room is for children aged zero to two years old and normally has four educators in the room per day, the middle room is for children aged two years to three years old and has three educators per day, and the eldest room holds children from three years to five years and has three educators in the room. I enjoyed my time at this centre, every staff member, child and family member was really accepting of me. The children were great, I was amazed at how comfortable they were with me from the start. I have worked in a lot of other centres where most of the children of that age were very cautious about new people, so this was amazing to me to see the acceptance straight away. I was able to jump right in and begin building relationships with them by getting to know the children as individuals, getting to know their likes and dislikes and showing an interest in their interests is the start of building those relationships with the children (Webster-Stratton, 1999). I instantly made friends with one little boy who I ended up using as my focus child, he was so loving and enjoyed cuddles so much and this saw other children coming to me to investigate what was going on and to get a cuddle for themselves, which quickly led