Reflection On Creativity, Critique: Review

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TRIZ - Overview

TRIZ originally developed by Genrich Altshuller a Russian Scientist between 1960 and 1980, is a theory for solving inventive problems (Souchkov, 2007; Livotov, 2008; Cameron, 2010). TRIZ has undergone a considerable evolution since its early manifestation into what is now known as a global brand for innovation (Souchkov, 2007).

TRIZ is a philosophy that guides creative thinking so that innovative thoughts are not left to trial and error (Mann, 2001; Cameron, 2010). The theory of TRIZ is premised on the systematic principle of accessing knowledge and experience from what others have done and achieved in the past (Mann, 2001).

The existing knowledge and experience (best practices) have been patented into generic scientific methods and/or solutions so that anyone can apply similar problem solving techniques in their situation (Yang, F. Kao, C. Liu, T. Yang, 2009). Mann (2001) however, stresses that TRIZ is accessible and usable in any problem situation or discipline.

TRZI was originally developed to solve innovative problems in the engineering field. In the recent past, however, the theory has been utilized in non-engineering fields such as management, business, politics, manufacturing and social fields (Altuntaş and Yener, 2012; Lin, Chen and Chen, 2012).

Health, disability and service delivery are all characterized social dimensions. Thus, the problem that the group was solving is social in nature.