Reflection On Group Interaction

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I think most students including me prefer to learn in an environment where they are appropriately challenged and where other students take academic seriously. Therefore a collegial atmosphere where students support each other and where there is some breathing space between challenges is necessary in maintaining rigor and criticism. In my opinion, to arrive at consensus on issues without succumbing to groupthink, leaders must constantly be attentive and persistent with a continuous attention. Furthermore, individuals must be guided such that all must possess high degree of likemindedness respecting the basic values and mutual respect needed for the team to succeed. Group Interaction - How is the group interacting? Are we a cohesive bunch? Are we doing our work? Group interaction should be organized such that group members feel comfortable to be engaged in all necessary discussion withing the group. Making it an obligation for each group member to participate and interact fully will keep the group quite active. We are closed to being a cohesive bunch, but much still need to be done to achieve this target. Comment from most members are not generating discussion within the group, therefore member must be encourage to comment by asking follow up questions than just complementing. We are on the right track as our work is concern, but much still need to be done to take our work toward perfection. What did I enjoy most about the discussion this week? – This week’s