Reflection On Teaching African American Males

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Many teachers mentioned instructing African American males offers an opportunity for differences to be explored and exposure to deeper discovery of masculinity of personalities. However, the opposite of excitement led to the discrimination that teaching African American males can be considered trying due to many African American males having behavioral problems. Finally a few teachers discernment towards African American males was absent. Instructors mentioned students were just as the other males of different ethnicities. Furthermore, such conclusion narrowed their distinction amongst the students were mainly due to the missing component of not having females within the classroom. In their point of view the teaching African American males was a treasure.
Supporting Statements
“I think it’s a whole lot of fun. I grew up in a mixed school environment we had males and females and 30% was Hispanic there were also 50% African American and maybe 15-20% White and a little Asians mixed in there so I think it’s a lot of I have had African American males on my robotics teams they put in hard work um just like anyone else. I absolutely love my job it’s a ton of fun, we get to build different things, see different perspectives, but for the most part, a lot of my students {consists} of mixed ethnicity, which is okay.” …show more content…

“Instead of looking at it as an African American aspect, I feel like it's more…{for example} I taught with male and female last year there was a lot more of an adjustment teaching/ teaching with like female and male students in your class at once is a little bit different how to engage the students you have to basically acknowledged there's more emotions going on in the classroom in the social aspect but we have all male students so it's all focused all one but when you're dealing with like skin color it only goes to a certain extent where it's not too bad they are all boys they all have the same macho feeling kind of style they have more