Should Black Students Have Black Teachers Essay

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The Benefit of Black students having Black Teachers There are several black children in America that have had less than two black teachers in their entire k-12 educational career. Those that do have a Black teacher instruct their students the way the state wants them too. Unfortunately, African American history is left out of the mix along with majority of their teachers. Not having enough teachers is already a large problem in itself; focusing on the black student is not on the forefront considering the large percentage of this population enrolled in public schools across America. However, in the Journal of Black Studies Kmt Shockley, a professor at Morgan State University, published his research on African American students called Reaching African American Students: Profile of an Afrocentric Teacher. This research shared the importance of Afrocentric teaching in a nation where the education system is trying to undermine the accomplishments of African Americans in order to miseducate the Black children of today. Which as a result forces the children believe that their ancestors did not contribute anything to modern …show more content…

The gender of the teacher could affect how well the student connects in class so the perspective of a Black female teacher would create a space to see how effective it would be.Black women also have a perspective and different take on how to reach children. A piece of information that I would have added is the amount of African American college students that entered and graduted college that were taught using the Afrocentric style. Along with that the retention rate of African American high school students a part of an Afrocentric curriculum and a part of the normal curriculum in the same or similar schools. In order to do so, there would have to be a more in-depth study to receive all this