Reflective Essay: My Career As A Resident Assistant

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During my second year at Texas State, I began to examine changing my major from History to Political Science. Through my involvement in an organization called Model Arab League (MAL), I made close connections with the members who most, if not all, were Political Science majors. The other members showed me the thought provoking classes they were attending as Political Science majors. I realized how much those classes peaked my interest and made me wish to be working hands-on in governmental affairs. After searching and investigation, I identified state and local affairs as the area I wished to work in.
Local and state positions are my goal because they allow the most interaction with the population that I will be assisting. I wish to be an …show more content…

As an RA, I have been given the opportunity to assist students with a variety of issues and I have become aware of the numerous resources that Texas State offers. Someday I hope to put my ability to absorb information to work as a resource for both the public and my coworkers. My ability to keep this reservoir of resources will serve me well as a bureaucrat when the public needs to identify the best department to assist them. When I am able to know this information, I can continually help the public even when the help they need does not come from my department. For the public, my ability to not only problem-solve, but also knowing when to consult others who are better equipped to solve the problem will create a better environment for …show more content…

I was, also, chosen for a leadership position in the national competition following an application and interview process. Due to this position, I will not compete for my senior year, but will instead focus on teaching and assisting the new members to allow them to develop the important skills MAL teaches. With my position, I will create numerous presentations that I will utilize to teach new and returning members important skills like: debating, public-speaking, parliamentary procedure, writing, negotiating, and