PSR Reflection

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Everyone that goes to Lodi High School has heard of the class PSR. When I decided to take the class I just thought it would be a fun class that you just could goof off in and leave school for a block, but once I got to the class I learned that it was much more than that. It was a class that gave you the opportunity to learn in a different way than just sitting in a classroom. I would like to discuss the assignment I did for my PSR project, how me being in my PSR classrooms helped the teachers and the positives and negatives of PSR. For my PSR assignment I went to the elementary school and helped Mrs. Volks class and Mr. Wallace's class. When we went to Mrs. Volks class my duties were to take down stuff of of the walls, read to them, help them with spelling words and do art projects. It was so much fun and you could tell how much the kids enjoyed it. Mrs. Volks class was a multiage for grades 1st and 2nd. It was really cool to see the different age groups work together and how they are similar and how they are different. You can tell with the 1st graders in class their handwriting is not as good as the 2nd graders and it may be a little harder for them to solve problems and figure out some things like how to spell words. But the 2nd …show more content…

One of the positives about being in PSR is that it is a different way to learn. You get to get out of the classroom and go learn and do experiences that you maybe wouldn't have done if you were in a classroom. You learn a lot about different age groups. For example I have a younger sibling but I do not remember when they were in 1st and 2nd grade and how they acted. Going into the classroom and seeing how they act and how they go about overcoming some situations was really cool. Some negatives were that depending on the classroom you chose the class may not be that fun. I had one of each. Mrs. Volks was fun, while Mr. Wallace's was less interaction with the kids and not as much