Reflective Practice Essay

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The Latin root of the word ‘Reflection’ refers to the ‘moving back’ or getting or bending back” to something. This bending back is of significant importance in any profession, any task and any practice as suggested by Horwood (1989). Put in very simple words, every time we do something and later stop to think or ponder over what we did, how we did and why we did, consequently also thinking on what were the effects of such doing and if or how it could have been done better, then we are actually engaging ourselves in the process of reflection. Making this a part of our profession so as to bring constant improvement in the quality of our own performance is what we can say is bringing reflection to our practice; hence the term ‘Reflective Practice’ is used. …show more content…

When we talk about brining reflective practice in teaching , our focus drifts automatically to teachers as they are the actual practitioners of educational practice and hence most literature on reflective practice in education dwells on the professional aspects of teaching , bringing into limelight mainly the teachers and teacher educators more than any other stakeholders, assuming their role in educational practice being most deeply connected with educational practice and hence the most essential with regard to the discussion of reflective practice