
Reflective Essay On Social Work

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I am a junior at IUSB I’m studying Social Work I’m in the BSW program where I’m only taking classes for my bachelor’s degree. One course I really want to take and have been trying to take for two semesters is a study abroad course in Costa Rica. Once I learned about this course from my advisor I became interested immediately, I was told from my advisor that this course will account for two different requirements I need. This world society and culture course is a very good experience any student would be pleased to do. For one it gives the student a chance to expand their learning, and knowledge of a diverse culture.
I started this semester with a very clear mind set, to stay focus and maintain a good GPA. Due to unfortunate events I was basically forced to break the contract I progressively received to, I was advised from my advisor Carol Masset to take an online and a 300 level class that would set out to help me. It was normal for me to take an online class to balance my schedule out and being a junior it was time to start taking some 300 level courses. I started to notice that after two weeks of …show more content…

I know my professor didn’t have access to his class but, I contacted her to make her aware of the issue. After three weeks the professor was no help to me I felt forced to drop the class. For my 300 level class I just completely couldn’t comprehend in that class I thought it was more of an introduction class. I had no idea this class was so advanced three weeks have also passed for that course. At this point I felt stuck because I had no help with the online class and I didn’t want to continue attending a class I didn’t understand. It was beyond my control so I had to drop these two classes and pick up two course after three weeks of school starting. I knew I would be breaking the contract but, I had no choice in this

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