Reflective Essay Scholarship

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Over the past few months, I have noticed myself with a more positive and productive mindset and I am aware of the areas I need to improve.

I have learned what I am looking for out of life and the path I need to take to achieve my vision of financial freedom. I have to create different goals to achieve what I want and keep reworking them.

It is important to use my mind to enhance my expectations and belief on what life will be like once I have achieved my vision, and realising the power that the subconscious mind has over my thoughts. Through daily mental rehearsal I can achieve a clear picture of how it will feel to have achieved the end result of my vision.

I have learned that taking action is important in achieving and using all my energy …show more content…

This is an area that I find difficult. I have always felt safe in my comfort zone but I know I need to move out of it in order to grow. This is an area for me that I think will take time but I need to focus on how it will benefit me and how staying within my comfort zone will hinder me.

I have to pick myself up at times when things do go wrong because they will, this happens to everyone. Use any setbacks as feedback and not something that will stop me in my tracks. Instead of focusing on failures I have to say to myself: How can I do better? How can I be more productive? This is what I mean by feedback. Things I want in life are not always achieved immediately, they take time and the essential component is to stay on track. I will have to keep immersed in all my activities as when I have success in the things I do, it will make me happy. I have learned to keep motivated and not give up.

Managing my time will make my tasks more productive. I have to keep focused and finish all the tasks that I want to achieve. If I focus on completing a task before moving onto the next, this will help my time be more productive. Moving from one task to the other without completion will leave me without the sense of achievement as I will have many unfinished tasks to complete. This will create stress and interfere with my focus. I have to put myself first and finish what I am doing at that moment, then move onto the next