Research Paper On Indian Removal Act Of 1830

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Here and there has been problems popping from past or present, but one problem from the past called the Indian Removal act of 1830, it took most of Georgia’s residents to take care of this case, where a huge debate happened if the Cherokee’s are allowed to stay in the Northern part of Georgia or not stay or get forced out of Georgia.
The indian removal act caused a lot of problems with the Indians, specifically the Cherokees and the Americans. The cherokees lived in the northern part of Georgia while the purpose of the Americans was to expand and gain more land, but the Cherokees doesn’t want to move due to the northern of Georgia was their own land, and they have developed many agricultural, industry, and their own government.
The Indian Removal act of 1830 wasn’t acceptable, causing many conflicts which was a debate where the cherokee’s was allowed to stay in Georgia or not be able to stay because the Americans wanted to expand, but the indians owned the land first, the americans also cheated the indians in trades and broken treaties, finally barely any of the cherokees aided the treaty to move into the new land. So, the Indians should stay. The indians should stay because they owned the …show more content…

In the article it states that 10% of the cherokee Indians only moved to the new Indian territory. This means that the cherokee doesn’t wanna move due to their past problems, the cherokee possibly doesn’t want to move due to the fact that their land was carved into something they love, the cherokee may not want to move. Also, the supreme court even says “...Indian Territory shows how little support the treaty has.”, this obviously means that the Cherokee doesn’t want to move at all. More the reason why they shouldn’t move. Some might say that, they can just be forced out of the land. Well, they can but, the americans that is on the side of Cherokees maybe able to send some troops to stop any type of

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