Respecting The Rules Of Being In Augustana University

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Living in a community goes with a lot of responsibilities because each decision you make is also going to affect other people. That implies an effective sense of connections to others in the community. For all of these reasons colleges and other environments where you have to be part of a community have policies and procedures provide an institutional perspective on many important issues for college management and governance. They also provide a context for action and thoughtful decision making. Often, specific procedures for implementation are included.
This rules help us to be able to respect others and create an environment where everyone can live, as a result we need to respect those rules and be able to understand it.

Part of being in Augustana University is that they have their own rules everything is in the student handbook is the official resource that defines our expectations for student life. These are the policies and practices that allow us to collaboratively work alongside each other, to respectfully respond to conflicts with one another, and to resolve violations of our Code of Student Conduct in ways that emphasize learning and personal accountability. (

Be part of a community not …show more content…

Learning the significance of this situations not only help me to understand it and practice it, also help the people around me because I am able to explain and make my friends know what all this rules are about and the reasons why exists. Moreover there is always more information you can learn apart from what you already know because extra knowledge can be useful in different situations.College students living away from home should take a few minutes to make sure they are living in a fire-safe environment. Educating students on what they can do to stay safe during the school year is important and often