
Reyes Hr Department Essay

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Comment on your thinking of the "So That Statement" for Reyes HR department (this is the mission statement which describes the Who, What and Why of the HR team).
Who: The HR Team are strategic positioners who
By choosing to be identified as strategic positioners, I think Reyes HR department has selected a HR competence that addresses recipients of their services both within and without the organization (RBL Group, n.d.). However, in a s much as the strategic positioner competence represents business acumen needed to factor in the offerings of the external business environment into the internal decision-making process, the focus appears to be on both the customers and the organization’s decision-makers (Ulrich, D., Younger, J., Brockbank, W., & Ulrich, M., 2012). Therefore, I would concur with the RBL Group(n.d.) which proposes multiple competencies that both the internal and external stakeholders may clearly identify with. So, I would propose the addition of the Credible Activist and Human Resource Innovator and Integrator from the list of HR competencies recommended by Ulrich, D et al. (2012). …show more content…

Therefore, that is their promise to their internal customers which directly impacts the external stakeholders such as the customers and investors because creating value within facilitates creating a valuable service in the long term. I also feel that, measurable or tangible outcomes such as increase in revenue, and membership sales to the fitness centers should be included in this segment.
Why: So that Reyes has sustained business

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