Rickets In Renaissance Italy

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Throughout the semester there have been a lot of topics that have been discussed. There have been different topics like the diets of ancient people and the mortuary practices of some of these people, the topic that has been chosen for this review, however, is rickets. The article's title is: Rickets in a High Social Class of Renaissance Italy: The Medici Children. The authors of this article are V. Giuffra, A. Vitiello, D. Caramella, A. Fornaciari, D. Giustini, and G. Fornaciari. The article was sourced from the online library at Wiley in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. The authors' research on rickets in children's skeletons is a good explanation of the diets of the women and children in Renaissance Italy and what the children's …show more content…

Even when there are many different diseases that bones within skeletons can show, rickets can be one of the easiest diseases to figure out. Children with rickets will not only show in life that a baby's soft spot is slow to close and bowed legs, but in death the skeletons have flared metaphysis, spinal and pelvic deformity, and bending deformation. The article relates to textbook readings because the textbook has made it known that rickets was not known prior to the medival times. Although, there is not much that is known from previous literature that has been read. There has been a case that is known of in personal life that could be caused from rickets. A woman that has been known by my family for years had bowed legs when she was younger and has had to have surgeries to fix her legs. Although, this might not have been caused by rickets, it could be a probable cause. I completely agree with the authors' conclusions because they state how children can have rickets even if they are in high class society. The evidence presented in the article does support the conclusions made because they presented many skeletons that had the look of having rickets. I believe that the article is relevant since there are countries in this day and age that believe that light skin are still the best thing to have and vitamin D deficiency is a real thing for these countries. I chose this article because it interested me in seeing what a disease can do to both children and