Role-Relationship Pattern Paper

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Role-Relationship Pattern:

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.

List 2 potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age group.
Toddlers know their family members. They have developed a mutual relationship based on what that person does for child.

Toddlers tend to gravitate to their caregivers and are interested in the caregivers’ activities and possessions.

Toddlers tend to fear strangers

Peers become increasingly significant for preschoolers as development progresses. Family is still extremely important and plays a vital role in the child’s life, but there is an increasing desire to play with other children.

Preschoolers generally show affection to loved ones.

Preschoolers understand gender …show more content…

Sibling rivalries can be an area of frustration for the entire family.

The preschoolers that will only play by themselves or does not show emotions toward anyone may have sensory or developmental issues.

Preschoolers relate to older children and may not play well with children in own age group.

Preschoolers are at risk for negative influences that the environment has on role perceptions because of inaccurate portrayals of male and female roles in society.
School-age children that will only play by themselves or who do not show emotions toward anyone may have sensory or developmental issues.

The school-age child is at risk for problems if the caregivers do not carefully and deliberately engage in limit setting by defining expected behavior.

School-age children may find spending time with friends more satisfying that spending time with the family.

Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern:

List two normal assessment findings that would be characteristic for each age group.

List two potential problems that a nurse may discover in an assessment of each age