Analysis Of Delirium By Lauren Oliver

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Over 150 million kids over the world are orphans. They go to sleep without getting to say goodnight to their mom or dad and spend the day worrying about where they will end up later in life without them. This kind of situation can be seen in Lauren Oliver's book Delirium. The protagonist, Lena Haloway, has no parents caring for her. Her dad had died of cancer and her mom was sent to an institution for ‘crazy’ people. She has to spend each day with her aunt, Carol, instead of her real parents. If her mom were still with her, Lena would receive love and care from her. Living in an institution where some kids are deprived from attention or living as an orphan is not good for their health or well-being, and can cause long-term effects on them. …show more content…

For example, a lack of interaction or play can include problems forming healthy bonds, which can lead to issues in future relationships and problems with responding to social situations. Another impact that it can lead on to children is deficits in neurological and cognitive abilities. Deficits in cognitive abilities can mean that the children can have deficits in their overall ability to learn, and it can also affect their visual memory. Neurological deficits--which can be caused by maltreatment or neglect by caregivers or other children--can cause children to show inhibitory control or ADD. Indiscriminately friendly behavior is also another not so benign effect. To add on to these not so benign impacts, a high amount of the children--60 percent-- were still classified as having an attachment disorder when they left the institution or orphanage, but their growth tends to improve markedly. These attachment disorders, caused by neglect, can lead to indiscriminately friendly behavior, which can put children in danger. This behavior is mostly seen in children once in or from an institution. Would you want your child going up to a complete stranger and telling them all about their lives and themselves, not knowing if the stranger would manipulate your child into doing something they wouldn’t want to …show more content…

Fathers make unique contributions to their children's lives, as their parenting style is different from mothers. Mothers focus on the child's immediate well-being, whilst the fathers concern is for the longer-term development of the child. Fathers also tend to stress on teaching their kids how to be independent, competitive, and to challenge themselves. When one parent is gone, the child's lives can change. In this case, if the father was gone, the child would rely on others and couldn't handle tough situations when they become older. This is because the mother main regard is more on keeping them in their comfort zone and coddling them. Children without fathers also have an increase the rates of violent juvenile crime and substance abuse. Teenage boys are also prone to more trouble than those with fathers. An absence of a father also sometimes causes mom and child poverty, and the income of the household declines by about 21 percent. Not only are mothers vital to a child's live--but so is a father.

What the main concern comes down to is the child’s well-being. Living in an institution or living without one or both parents is not a good living situation for a child or is it good for their health. As said before, 150 million kids over the world are orphans, and have to suffer the consequences of having no parents, just like Lena Haloway, the main character in Lauren Oliver's novel