
Rollie Stitchweh's Ability To Use Instant Coverage In Sports

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On December 7th of 1963, CBS Sports Director, Tony Verna, invented instant replay for the network’s coverage of the Army-Navy football game. The only play that shown on instant replayed was Army wide receiver Rollie Stitchweh’s touchdown. Ever since that moment, technology has been implemented into sports in more ways than one could have ever imagined. The ability to replay game footage as well as the inventions of machines that enhance practice and training are two forms of technology that have greatly impacted and improved all aspects of sports. The ability to replay game footage has been critical in sports for referees as well as for teams themselves. Almost all professional sports leagues have implemented instant replay in some way or …show more content…

All of the decisions made based off of instant replay can be crucial to the outcome of a game, and the referees go to the tape to make sure they got every call correct. In the NFL, coaches can challenge calls that they believe were inaccurate. “Coaches can challenge two rulings per game, including those involving players who are in or out of bounds, passes that were complete or incomplete and whether a runner has broken the plane of the goal line. Scoring plays and turnovers are automatically reviewed by video replay officials.” (Let’s go to the Tape). Similar to the NBA, instant replay gives referees multiple camera angles to review plays from. This helps referees to make the right calls and decisions. Teams also have video coordinators and scouts. The video coordinators film the team’s games and edit them relaying to the players what the coaching staff liked from the previous game and what needs to be improved upon for the next game. They also get film of the team’s upcoming opponent and edit that …show more content…

A company called EON Sports have created a headset that will revolutionize NFL teams practice, it is called Virtual Reality Training. “In the next year or two, an NFL quarterback will step onto the practice field, put on a headset and run through the game plan against a holographic defense that looks, moves and thinks like the upcoming opponent.” (Virtual Training is a Game-Changer) Teams will be able to upload their own playbooks and simulate running plays against holograms of their upcoming opponent’s defense, and the defense can simulate running plays against holograms of their upcoming opponent’s offense. Now teams who have to game plan for game changing players like Cam Newton, Antonio Brown, JJ Watt and Josh Norman with using the Virtual Reality technology as opposed to using a player on their team to simulate that player. Using the Virtual Reality Training created by EON Sports, teams can prepare for what they will go against, but the players still have to work on technique for important skills like footwork, throwing, catching, etc. “The benefits could be significant from spending more time on non-contact, mentally focused training to limit wear and tear. But football requires physical technique work as well--and even the avatars won't ever be able to hit back. ’You still need to go work on footwork, hand placement and all that, so we're that middle ground of being able to read

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