Romeo And Juliet Parents Essay

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“Why should madmen hear, when wise men cannot see?” (3.3.64-65). This abbreviated translation of a conversation between Friar Lawrence and a disconsolate Romeo explains how teenagers across all time periods have never felt understood by the elders around them. Parents or parental figures often do not take necessary steps of caution when raising their children, and drive them into detrimental behaviors perceived as madness when they grow older. The two young teenagers suffer from facing the reality of having parents that contribute to their neuroses while additionally not supporting them. Romeo and Juliet’s parent’s failure to heal generational impacts of behavioral and environmental turmoil, thoughtfully maintain open communication, and observe …show more content…

The Official Journal of the National Board for Certified Counselors found discoveries in the field of Epigenetics, the study of how behaviors and environment can affect the way genes work. They explain how the qualities parents obtain throughout their life impact their children (Jones et al.). In Romeo and Juliet’s case, the parents negatively contribute to the development of their children’s mental disorders after exposure to prolonged environmental stressors. While Romeo and Juliet live in a different generation than their parents, the timeless feud between the families still lingers throughout their youthful lives, and provides the teens with an environment for their mental disorders to thrive in. Like Romeo’s similarity to his mother, Juliet’s impulsivity throughout the play is justified by Lord Capulet’s hot-headed behavior. An example of this is when he resorted to permanently kicking his daughter out of his house after her …show more content…

They evidently lack parental support, as once seen when Lord Montague asked his nephew Benvolio to explore Romeo’s grievances rather than doing so himself (1.1.161-162). In a published PsychCentral article, studies demonstrate that a parent’s failure to remain loving and engaged in an adolescent’s life triggers hopelessness, a negative outlook, and a certain delusion of craving excessive love in the future (Mandriota). As their parents never communicated or showed meaningful affection to their kids, Romeo and Juliet never felt loved or cared for. They instead took risks to find their own star-crossed love in order to fill the void in their hearts. Romeo and Juliet’s relationship was a chase of false love, and a warning sign of the suicidal product which emerged from their nurtured mental disorders. Although the teenagers’ yearn for human connection is not something the parents were aware of, it is something they were the cause of, and could have initially prevented with a healthy familial relationship. Furthermore, on the chance that the Capulets and Montagues were available for their children, they put numerous expectations and pressures on them which were intended for their own benefit as parents. For example, Lady Capulet forced Juliet to quickly finish grieving her cousin Tybalt’s death because it did not fit her