
Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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Some people would say that love is where two people share a deep connection or attraction with one another. That is why most people compare their love with Romeo and Juliet, wishing that their love was as deep as theirs. In the story of The Tragedy Romeo and Juliet it is about two children of enemy households that have fallen in love with each other. However the hatred between their families could turn their love into their death. The characteristics of love that is best described in Romeo and Juliet is Loyalty and Pain. An important characteristic of love is Loyalty. For example in the story of Romeo and Juliet Juliet's father has wedded her to a man named Paris. In a search of help Juliet goes to Friar laurence. He proposes a plan and Juliet responds with ¨I will do it without fear or doubt/To live an unstained wife to my sweet love.¨(IV.i.90-91) In this quote it shows how she is in love with Romeo and she is willing to do anything to get out her marriage with Paris. It is important to note this because is shows how Juliet is loyal to her husband. When she means to be an ¨unstained wife¨ she is talking about how she does not want to cheat on Romeo with Paris. A greater understanding of loyalty increases our awareness of how loyal Juliet is to Romeo. …show more content…

For example when Lady Capulet finds Juliet dead body she says ¨O me, O me!/ My child, my only life, revive, look up, or I will die with thee.¨(IV.v.20-22) In this quote Lady capulet sees Juliet's dead body and starts to grief about how her only child has been taken away from her. This shows how Lady Capulet loves her daughter dearly even though she was not that close to Juliet. Lady Capulet shows how she loves Juliet and still cares for her to the point where she says that if Juliet is dead then Lady Capulet will die with her. A greater understanding of the pain Lady Capulet feels for her daughter's death increases our awareness of how love can be expressed with

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