Sacrifice In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay Love. What is love? It’s that funny little word that doesn't have just one definition. Love can be the excitement that people get when watching a football game on a Sunday afternoon. Love can be the little times people get with their family. As most people know love as a feeling. A feeling someone gets when they are with or around someone that they have a connection to. Just like a friendship or even the most thought of…...A relationship that has kissing, hugging, holding hands, saying I love you etc. The girlfriend and boyfriend relationship. Everybody has hopefully experience love. Whether from family (pets included), friends, and the person who the one in a million. So now that love has a clearer …show more content…

The famous story of star-crossed lovers who sacrificed everything (literally everything) for their love of each other. Again to understand Romeo and Juliet’s sacrifice for each other the reader must understand their story. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet were star-crossed lovers. “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life. Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife” (Romeo and Juliet, Act 1 Lines 6-8). Romeo and Juliet couldn’t be together normally as a regular couple could be. The cause of the stone wall between Romeo and Juliet’s relationship is their family fued. This family fued between the Montagues and Capulets is a century old feud and it’s unclear in Romeo and Juliet what caused this terrible feud. However Romeo and Juliet’s death will stoop the fight between the Montagues and the Capulets. When Romeo and Juliet meet at a party some say it’s was love at first site. Once Romeo laid eyes on Juliet, Romeo knew that Juliet was his one and only. As Romeo seeks to be with Juliet the reader sees that they can’t be together because of their family feud. However Romeo and Juliet secretly get married. However the Capulets have other plans for Juliet. They want her to marry Paris who is related to the prince. But the reader can see that there is some conflict with that. Juliet don't want to marry Paris because she loves Romeo. “Hang thee, …show more content…

As most people know love as a feeling. A feeling someone gets when they are with or around someone that they have a connection to. To different people love could mean different things. Love to somebody can mean spending time together. To a different person love might mean cooking dinner. To Sarajevo's Romeo and Juliet, Duty, and of course Romeo and Juliet love meant sacrificing something. In story of Sarajevo's Romeo and Juliet the couple sacrificed their safety and wellbeing for each other. In Duty, Lady Capulet sacrificed her love for power and money. And lastly the story of Romeo and Juliet. In Romeo and Juliet both ROmeo and Juliet sacrificed their family and lives for their love for each other. Were all of these sacrifices that were being made worth the, however sacrifices are such a big part of love and sometimes it’s not the sacrifice but the

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