
Romeo And Juliet Tragic Hero Essay

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A tragic hero is a literary character used by authors to evoke sad emotions from the audience. According to Aristotle, a tragic hero is somebody born with great virtue and heroic qualities that has a tragic flaw or excessive downfall which then sparks emotional relief or catharsis in the audience. Three main theories of the tragic hero are the Aristotelian model, the Shakespearean model, and the modern tragic hero. Each model has five defining characteristics, which are nobility, hamartia, downfall, anagnosis, and suffering. In the Shakespearean mode of tragedy, the play Romeo and Juliet best models the tragic hero. For instance, nobility is characterized by being upper class and having elevated character. Furthermore, Romeo satisfies both …show more content…

Before reaching his title of “King of Pop”, Michael Jackson was born into a nine-child family that lived in a small two-bedroom house in the midwestern industrial city. To bring in money, Joseph Jackson, who was abusive to his children and wife, started a music clan between five of his sons; Michael included. “Jackson, as the youngest of the group, was the one most affected by the loss of his childhood.” (Miller 2). Michael being in his family band set him up for success when many music producers and record companies wanted to sign the young boy due to his impeccable performance on stage. Michael had multiple songs that were known as pop hits such as Thriller, Beat It, and Billie Jean. Before the age of 25, Michael Jackson had established himself as the single most popular entertainer in America. He kept the spotlight throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, and was even presented with several awards. He was a part of many charities and founded “Heal the World” to aid children and the environment (Michael Joe Jackson 179). Jackson has gained a large following in his short career. All in all, Michael Jackson rose above his impoverished and abusive childhood and became an elite in …show more content…

His hamartia is that he acted hastily because he never felt good enough and felt that he had to prove himself. Although Jackson’s persona had been described as a shy, man child, “As he grew older his taste and behavior often seemed bizarre.” (Jackson 2). This all started after a Pepsi commercial had gone wrong, Jackson was severely burned and had sought medical treatment. Later, we found out that this is what got him addicted to painkillers. Michael Jackson acquired the nickname “Wacko Jacko” for his behavior. It became widely known of his obsession with two well known female pop stars, Elizabeth Taylor and Diana Ross. He had some odd characteristics and traits such as his frequent private petting zoos, and his private amusement park to bring children to his “Neverland Ranch” in Santa Barbara, California. “Many newspaper stories criticized his childlike demeanor and his decisions to play around with children.” (Pratt 72). These were later linked to several sexual assaults. After a sexual assault case Michael was in, he had cancelled the remainder of his shows that year and had confessed he was addicted to painkillers. He had entered a special program to get treatment. Pratt 74,75. Additionally, Michael Jackson had several plastic surgeries that led to his features looking progressively more Caucasian. It has been reported that he tried to change his

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