Romeo And Juliet Who's To Blame Analysis

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When you have an dramatic play like Romeo & Juliet. Who was to blame? I would have to say Friar Lawrence because he should not marred Rome & Juliet in secret. He shouldn't have gave Juliet the sleeping drug, and give romeo the not late. So the whole time Romeo thought juliet was dead and committed suicide. Friar Laurence arranged a secret marriage for Romeo & Juliet to marry Friar Lawrence said “ for this alliance may so happy prove to tune the households rancor to pure love”. He thought by letting them married it could stop the fighting between the families. But yet they married in secret and usually when you know a secret it stays in secret so that no one find out so it really didn't really make since because no one would know and how would it be good for the families to make peace between them ? But as soon as Romeo is banished for killing Tybalt by the Prince …show more content…

I'll ne’er acknowledge thee”meaning if Juliet does not obey her parents doesn't want nothing to do with her if she doesn't get married to Paris and she will be an insult to her parent to not show up and go through this wedding which they had arranged. Juliet had to find an way out so that she can't marry Paris because secretly she is married to Rome. She goes to Friar Laurence so that she can talk to him and also do confinishes. Juliet gets an potion from Friar Lawrence “ take thou this vial, being then in bed, and this distilled liquor drink thou off; when presently through all the veins shall run a cold and dry humor; for no pulse”. To help Juliet fake her death so she can avoid getting married again and she could wake up to Rome . Friar Larace said “ shall Romeo by my letter know our drift” so that Romeo knows what's going on and that Juliet is just asleep and waiting for Romeo's arrival and not truly dead but that she just faked it to get away from marrying