Rosa Parks Research Paper

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Rosa Parks was a brave African American woman that stood up for herself and many other African Americans that have been exposed to the injustice and racial discrimination that was happening at the time. Parks' decision on that memorable day has made her one of today's most significant civil rights activists. Rosa Parks ethical and moral actions clearly promotes human dignity-one of the Ten Principles of the Catholic Social Teaching's. This is shown through her very talked about action of standing up against racial discrimination, inspiring countless others to be part of the civil rights movement to stand up for their dignity and lastly to prove that non-violent protests could be accomplished.
Segregation in that time made it very challenging …show more content…

"She was secretary of the local NAACP for twelve years". (Civil Rights: Walk Of Fame,
n.d. Para. 2.). Due to this Parks has been demonstrating that her moral decisions promote human dignity. Parks' actions led many people to follow in her steps and to inspire plenty more. Sherick
Jovan was one of the many that were affected by Rosa Parks and decide to become an advocate for civil rights and equality. "He began speaking out against injustice, racism and segregation during the late 60s within his community". (Inspired by Rosa Parks, n .d. para. 4.) . Thanks to
Rosa Parks' influence on Jovan he now speaks out on issues of civil and human dignity for all.
Irene gray Osborne is also another activist inspired by Rosa Parks to spread their thoughts on human dignity and racism. Irwan Osborne spent most of her time talking to groups across the country. (Inspired by Rosa Parks, n.d. para.6). On these group discussions, she spread the messages of the leaders of the civil rights movement such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr and other civil rights activists. This helped many understand why human dignity and respect was …show more content…

The NAACP's second demand was to add "The hiring of black drivers.." (Montgomery Bus Boycott, 2010. Para.4.). The demand for African American drivers gave more jobs and equality for the African American community. The last request and the reason that the Boycott was sparked in the beginning was to have a first-come, first seated policy. (Montgomery Bus Boycott, 2010. Para.4.). As a result of Parks action of refusing to give up her seat on the bus that day, a demand was placed so that African American riders were able to be seated where pleased. This was a tremendous start to equality and human dignity to the
African American community in Montgomery. If Parks chose not to act on this racial discrimination these laws would still have affected many people from the African American community. Parks showed that non-violent protest as simple as this can make a difference and change the world.
Due to Parks heroic act and her moral and ethical decision she was able to promote human dignity. Parks showed this by standing up for the African American community From racial discrimination, inspiring many others to become activists till this day and to prove