Rosselot Farm Bully

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Rosselot Farms Bullying Essay School is a difficult time for students and parents alike. As parents are sending their kids off to school they are worrying and wondering if they are going to be successful, if they will make the right choices, and if they will make friends. For us students school is difficult not only because of studying and trying to get good grades, but also because we have the constant worry of “fitting in” or “being cool”. There is such a strict description of what you are expected to look like or act like in-order to be accepted by the “in crowd”. When you do not fit the description, or refuse to conform to “fit in” you become more vulnerable to become a victim of bullying. Bullying isn’t something new in schools, but …show more content…

A few things that might lead one to bullying might be that they have been bullied before, and they want others to feel their sadness. Sometimes feeling unimportant and left out can cause bullying. Everyone needs attention and sometimes people who don’t get enough may turn to bullying. It’s also common for a bully to have problems at home. Physical and verbal abuse can affect someone’s mind and cause them to not make the right choices. Another reason could be if someone feels that they’re not pretty, smart, or good enough they might want to find a way to make themselves feel worthy. Also, if a bully is jealous of someone, then they could take their jealousy out on that person. The main reason for jealously is popularity. Sometimes their main motivation for bullying is just because they have a big ego. They believe that they are better than others and feel this gives them the right to be a bully. Others simply want to have all the attention. These bullies usually have no way to impress people, so they choose to make fun of someone else to get some laughs. A bully will pick out their target based on a specific reason. You could be different in some way, whether it’s by race, popularity, disability or something else. They will single you out and verbally and/or physically abuse you. Bullies usually do not say why they are bullying you, but it is typically obvious. Bullying is not something that happens and then disappears without a trace. It usually