Ruby Year 4 Summary

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Ruby has developed both socially and academically, rising to meet the challenges of Year Four. Ruby’s growth has been displayed by the way she has worked alongside her peers harmoniously, taking a leadership role when required, and displaying a mature attitude towards her learning. She has remained focused during instruction, resulting in her ability to work with increasing independence. Ruby has displayed a desire to succeed and produce a high standard of work by seeking clarification from her peers and her teacher. She has accepted oral and written feedback and applied the suggestions made. Ruby has adopted an organised approach to her learning and has used her record book to successfully facilitate communication between her home and classroom. …show more content…

A confident member of her class, Kayla needs to focus less on her social interactions within the classroom and more on her time management. One skill on which she is still working, is to ask follow-up questions or seek further clarification if unsure. When Kayla works in a small group aided by a teacher, she can fully engage in tasks and work towards independence. The challenge for Kayla moving forward is to take these skills from the group setting and apply them to independent work. She shows a desire to succeed and this is highlighted through the impeccable presentation in all her written work. Her record book, reading journal and general class work is beautifully presented. Her organisation skills are far superior to many of her classmates, and for this she is to be highly commended. Kayla is a generous and warm friend to her peers and I truly wish her every success for Year …show more content…

Amelia’s social growth has been displayed in class, as she has worked alongside her peers harmoniously, and displayed an increasing maturity and positive attitude towards her learning. She has always shown enthusiasm for her own learning by exemplary classroom behaviour and in her endeavours to improve her class work, and this is something of which she should be proud. These skills will be an asset to her as she progresses in school. The challenge for Amelia is to work on her personal organisation, in particular, maintaining her record book. By rising to this challenge she will improve communication between school and home and ensure she does not forget specific tasks or deadlines. I truly wish Amelia all the best for Year