Running Argumentative Essay

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My dad runs. He is not very good, but each day after work he runs. He started by running for ten minutes at a time. Each day, he added a minute to his run. Now, he is running for twenty-eight minutes.

Since the beginning of time, humans have been running. As a species, we literally ran to survive. We would outrun our prey until they collapsed, dead from exhaustion. It was one of the simplest forms of survival.

The physical benefits of running are countless. According to “The Planet Weave: Runners are Different,” runners are leaner, live longer, have stronger hearts, better circulation, and healthier joints. In fact, contrary to the popular belief of running causing bad knees, running actually helps reduce the risk of osteoarthritis in the knees. Another well known fact about running is that it helps with weight loss. However, it won’t happen overnight. If you choose running as your preferred form of weight control, know that it takes time and patience weight loss. …show more content…

However, it won’t happen overnight. If you choose running as your preferred form of weight control, know that it takes time and patience. The Weight Loss Control Registry used a research group that studied people who had “successfully lost weight and maintained their weight loss.” The statistics show that in order to achieve their weight goal must burn about 2,800 calories each week from exercise. Going for a longer, slower run is more effective in this category and a short and fast run. For beginners, a long run can be considered 25-30