SIP Evaluation Essay

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SIP Evaluation The Student Inquiry Project was much different to other assignments that have been done in the past. There were source analysis’ done in order to find accurate information and to know if the work was worth using. There were many sections of the assignment so there were many deadlines, so managing time well was important. There were many capabilities developed over the course of the student inquiry project, which helps with developing as a learner. Sources: • – How aluminium is made This source was useful as it explains the process of how aluminium is made and what materials are used to make it. It focus’s on each part of the process explaining what material is used and how that progresses on to create aluminium. There is also an animation on the side of the website visually showing the process and the steps of making aluminium. • – How is it made? (Carbon fibre) This source was useful as it explains the manufacturing process of carbon fibre. It breaks down the steps of making carbon fibre and the website also has other pages on carbon fibre. • How Stuff Works – What is carbon fibre? The source from ‘How Stuff Works’ for carbon fibre was a good source for information as it was reliable and credible. There was lots of information on the material looked …show more content…

Working on the assignment helped with developing as a learner and help better understand the capabilities. The numeracy capability was developed as there were lots of numbers involved with the assignment, there were times when materials were compared so calculations were used. Literacy was also developed, as everything done had to be written down, there were also many sections of the assignment so there were may different parts written up like the outcome, which was written differently to parts of the

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