SPG Code Of Ethics Report

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The News Corporation Organizational Values
The Society of Professional Journalists states, “Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity”. Journalism is also guided by 4 principles: seek truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently and be accountable and transparent (SPG Code of Ethics, 2016). Within those principles there are some that are important and that I feel journalists and everyone in the field should follow. The principles are (SPG Code of Ethics, 2016):
• Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations.
• Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and avoid political and …show more content…

C., Fraedrich, & Ferrell, L., 2015, P. 316). In thinking of creating my own company I see myself as an authoritative leader, one that would “inspire employees to follow a vision, facilitate change and create a strongly positive performance climate” (Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, & Ferrell, L., 2015, P. 330) in order to promote an encouraging and ethical culture. The values that I would establish for my online media company are: integrity, equality, accountability, competency and tolerance (Golden, P., 2002, P. 6-7).
This set of preferred ways of behavior would be established because I would like for my company to take pride in knowing that the work produced is held to strong moral principles, that the staff is skilled and just, and most importantly that the company is trustworthy. Everyone will be treated fairly and with respect. Each individual will be responsible for their actions and be dependable. Reporting will be accurate and efficient without cutting corners or subjecting to clandestine behavior. Lastly, the company will be open and accepting of everyone and report information without bias or judgement.
Implement and Assess …show more content…

This would be implemented by having the board of directors, ethics officers and senior management collaborate and create a program focused on proper ethics training, protection for employees who report violations of the standards of conduct, and incentives for employees who use the values as motivation to make the right decisions and corrective action for those employees who do not. In order to assess the effectiveness of the program, I would first obtain commitment from the board of directors and management and then I will have an independent auditor instead of an in-house ethics committee do an ethics audit of the program yearly, collect data by reviewing formal documents and policies and conducting employee interviews and reporting the findings to all stakeholders with recommendations for improvement. The metric would be a positive finding with minor