Satire Essay On Abortion

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Abortion Have you ever wondered what goes threw the mind of women who decide to have an abortion? Many people feel abortion should not be legal. People who are for abortion believe it’s a women’s body, her choice. She should be able to decide whether or not if she doesn’t want the fetus. I understand this but is it someone’s choice to kill a human? Once you are pregnant, there is already life. Many pregnancies sadly are caused by rapes and other violent causes. I'm not for it or against it, but i highly am more against it because motherhood could be something joyful. According to Kristin Burton Brown The President Of Americas Helpline "In the USA, there are approximately two million infertile couples waiting to adopt, many times regardless of the child's medical problems such as Down syndrome or HIV". This means that women should take adoption into consideration before rushing into a decision they might regret in the future. For many reasons one important one being giving one of the million couples who are infertile the joy of a family and also giving that little baby the gift of life. …show more content…

Sometimes women who think are not ready emotionally or financially tend to overthink such important decision and end up making a wrong choice. As time goes by you should end up having your families support as well as your mates and maybe things will change your way of thinking you have them by your side and everything could be fine. Though not all women have the same luck, some count with no moral support of any kind. This is why women should consider

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