School Food Massacre

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I believe school food sucks. School food is the most undesirable, hated, and fowl food to ever breach your pallet. You have to get in a long prison line just to obtain a Styrofoam tray. You wait thirty minutes of your life just to get a scoop of leftovers that disappear in a minute. Schools claim to serve their children top notch heathy grub. It is a different story when you see it face to face.
You automatically lose your appetite for the next two years. The lunch women do nothing but sit on their backsides feeding kids leftovers day after day. They try to extend their moldy leftovers for months. It goes like this, one day they feed you burger patties with rice and gravy. Day two, they feed you the left over burger patties on buns claiming it is a hamburger. Day three, they use the left over burger patty for meat bits and meat surprise. …show more content…

Instead of the work impaired lunch women serving us the same thing old McDonald feed his pigs in the nineteen hundreds, they should just close the cafeteria. It all makes very good sense. They should discontinue all lunches. Students could bring their own snacks from there house. They could pack their pockets full of candy bars, chips, and even sodas. Of course kids my gain a few pounds, but what’s the problem with America having a few more chubby balls of fat rolling around. For kids who cannot bring snacks to school, there is a solution for you to. Look under your desk. Scrape you off a few pieces of that nutritious gum you fellow classmate left you. Yum! Also if you desire a snack I am pretty sure you could buy it off your local food