Servant Instructional Leadership

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The Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a statistically significant relationship between servant instructional leadership behaviors in two urban middle charter schools and reading literacy. The variables of the study are a reflection on principal leadership being only second to the teacher’s influence in the classroom with student achievement. School climate is an important factor in developing a school culture and it has a very strong effect on student achievement (Cohen, 2006). This study contributed towards increasing the knowledge-base of effective middle school leader behaviors necessary for those seeking middle school administrative and teaching positions and for pre-service and in-service …show more content…

Be detailed in your response (25 words or less). Question #2 Describe an instance in your school environment where you or another adult played a vital role in encouraging another member of your school team. Be detailed in your response (25 words or less). Question #3 In your school environment, are the views and input of staff members welcomed and included into the vision of the school, thereby creating a shared vision? Be detailed in your response (25 words or less). Question #4 Please answer “Yes” or “No” to Question #4 below: Are the members of your school leadership team accessible to you for consultation or attainment of needed information regarding educational matters within your school? Significance of the Study Mediating factors of school leadership driven by collective cultures as it relates to assumptions about education and acknowledging the fact that principals matter in the context of student outcomes have led to increased attention, especially in the way that school leaders are prepared (Davis, Darling-Hammond, LaPointe & Meyerson, 2005; Hale & Moorman, 2003). Principals who flatten hierarchy and give teachers opportunities to participate in developing school goals and improvement plans obtain higher commitment to teaching (Leithwood et al., …show more content…

There are too many middle school-aged children identified as struggling readers who will face challenges that will hinder their matriculation towards receiving a high school diploma. The implications and relevance for middle grade school leadership are many. The findings should be ultimately useful in revising and developing new training programs, policy and procedures for current and future district school leaders. The findings are also beneficial for professional development, integration into existing middle grade principals, lead teachers and non-lead teachers as they engage in behaviors and practices within the reality of leadership