School Lunch Line Analysis

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After the start of the Baldwin’s 2015-2016 school year people have noticed a drastic change in the way lunch is bought. To put it delicately, that line isn’t much of a line. It’s a large blob of students standing around the unopened doors, as if it were Black Friday. Inside there’s even more chaos. Unless you wait towards the end of the lunch period to buy food, you are met with more than 30 girls crowded in one small space, trying to get a simple meal. With people so crowded together inside, it’s hard to not feel confined and cramped. With hair flying in the food and people stepping on other’s shoes, it’s utter mayhem. Yet grabbing lunch sounds like a straightforward activity though. You grab your lunch, pay for it, then sit down and hang out with your friends. If this isn’t normally thought of as an issue, then why are the girls in Baldwin’s upper school complaining about waiting in the lunch line for their lunch? …show more content…

I get impatient and sometimes, if the line is too much, I’ll skip lunch instead.” Additionally Yang stated, “I also get annoyed when people budge in the hot food line.” Well, there’s no wonder why so many people have resorted to cutting in line: There’s just no time to wait in that line before class starts. Some people have to spend more time waiting in line than actually eating food. This is especially true on B-Days. B-day lunches last only 35 min. After a long wait in the lunch line, people don’t have the full amount of time to sit down and eat lunch with their friends. If people have a meeting, it’s even worse. This isn’t the only issue. People have to decide to either be on time to class, but starving, or late, but