Scientific Revolution Was Simply Another Set Of Theories And Another Form Of Accepting Knowledge To Be True?

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Answer all five (5) questions with your own intellectual understanding of each topic:
1). Explain why you believe that the ‘Scientific Revolution’ was simply another set of theories and another form of accepting knowledge to be true, which differed from the previous form of belief. Present your understanding of this statement: The belief of ‘human knowledge’ and the ‘truth’ will change over time, be that fifty years, hundreds of years or even thousands of years – “nothing and nothing lasts forever.”

It is certain that scientific revolution is considered as another set of theories because it gets involved with the consecutive development of all branches of science no matter what physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, or even astronomy …show more content…

Incessant changes in natural phenomenon leads to the real science aiming at finding the answer for explaining contemporary change of natural existence by depending on scientific experiment that needs to be done over and over again when the time passes. The real science greatly calls for repetitive experiment while allowing others to prove and test its validity in order to reach consistent results responsible for clarifying natural changes during that time. For instance, the medical scientists find it very obligatory to test the new medicine for curbing the spread of HIV of which the germs have been stronger, and more resistant to anti-virus drug when the time pass. HIV medicine can be effective for treating HIV virus today, but can be ineffective for curbing a new strain of HIV virus that is more resistant to the nature in the future. So, those scientists need to use repeated experiment in order to make people reliable on consistent results for treating a new strain of HIV virus. However, this scientific condition is extremely different from pseudo-science which wrongly claims itself as another branch of science without passing through scientific processes and experiment as well as being supported and corroborated by any scientific evidence and experiment. Pseudo-science does not at all depend on repetitive scientific experiment but simply on the old belief system that has never been proven and tested its reliability and validity. So, this pseudo-science is said to be dealing with ideology which is a set of normative belief as well as conscious and unconscious ideas and ideals, which are merely the imaginary ideas and existence of things relating to the real condition of existence. Both pseudo-science and ideologies have never been based on scientific knowledge, experiment, and processes