Seaborg's Accomplishments

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"People must understand that science is inherently neither a potential for good nor for evil. It is a potential to be harnessed by man to do his bidding" ~ Glenn T. Seaborg. Seaborg thinks differently than most people, he believes that no one is powerful enough to know what is going to come out of a scientific discovery. If a discovery is beneficial to humans in any way, it has the same outcome as if it is destructive and horrible for human nature. What he is saying is that no matter the outcome, a new discovery is always a push forward for science, something new and not known before. Unlike most scientists, Seaborg isn't afraid to dedicate his life to discovering new elements. This is due to his way of thinking, it furthers human knowledge, even if the outcome isn't necessarily good, it is always informational and worth it. This quote contributes to Seaborg's life as a nuclear chemist. When Seaborg discovered the transuranium elements (elements with a heavier mass that uranium), he knew that they had the potential to become nuclear bombs, but he continued his research to push science forward. Glenn T. Seaborg was an important figure in 1920's American history because of his significance in chemistry, his involvement with the Manhattan Project, and his discoveries …show more content…

Seaborg has played a very critical part in the world as we know it today. Without the help of Seaborg, the Manhattan Project wouldn’t have been as impactful as it was because there wouldn't have been any plutonium inside the nuclear reactor to make the bomb. Due to this, there may have been a completely different outcome to World War II. Not to mention that the world of science itself has changed because of Seaborg's discoveries. None of the transuranium elements were known before him, and neither were specific isotopes that are still used today to help people all over the world. Seaborg will always be known for furthering scientific discovery and helping America in World War