Self Control In College Essay

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Many students every year graduate from high school and plan to start at college in the fall. As they enter the first years of college, they soon realize that it is different from their public education programs. Let’s take a look at how poor time management, poor study skills, and lack of self-control can have a detrimental effect on your college success. Poor time management can cause a student to be unsuccessful in school. Many students are involved in too many extra-curricular activities leaving them little time to study academics. This can leave them exhausted and unable to focus on projects or test that they may have.
Students need to be taught not to put off studying until the last minute. It is important to not have all-night cramming …show more content…

There has been a lot of studies done on children that have issues with self-control and focusing. Though not everyone agrees but medicines have been known to help children with disorders such as A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. These disorders occur when students have a hard time with self-control or focusing. In my own experience, I have seen a child go from not being able to retain material and receive a failing grade to seeing a child fully comprehend everything that he has read and make a passing grade on his tests. We may not fully understand why the student has a hard time with self-control and focusing, but we have seen that medicines such as Adderall and Ritalin make a student able to have success in school. Sometimes, it takes a counselor that can teach a student skills to help him or her to learn self-control and be able to focus. For some students it takes both medicine and counseling. Being successful in school requires different skills for each student. There is no one way to achieve success for every student. Having a better understanding of your personal time management, study skills, and learning self-control and focusing mechanism can possibly help you to have higher grades and to be more successful in school. Through trial and error you can find what it takes for your child to be successful in