Self Improvement Analysis

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The motivation for self- improvement is success. That is an idea I live by. In order to succeed, one must always improve their behaviors and attitudes in all areas of their lives. The saying, “there is always room for improvement” is quite parallel to the famous quote, “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.” Constantly analyzing the current condition of your own thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and behaviors and how satisfied you are with the results is just one simple way of determining if you are where you want to be in life- or in other words have you reached your point of success? The Life Styles Inventory survey is a tool that aids us in this analysis of our lives. By measuring our primary …show more content…

With my urge to actually understand areas that I do, in fact, need improvement, I thought it would be in my best interest to answer the survey to the best of my ability. And so I did. My primary style and highest percentile score was in the style of “Approval”. Compared to other individuals who also took the LSI, I scored above 94% which highly suggests that based on my responses; the “approval” style is highly descriptive of of my character. Initially, I did not easily accept this interpretation as I perceived myself to be quite independent and carefree from the thoughts of others, but I then realized this perception of me is just a defensive wall placed against my actual urge to always be accepted. So I submitted to the idea, and I have analyzed the core attitudes and behaviors that contribute to this characteristic style. In detail, the approval style suggests my need of acceptance from others to determine my own self-worth. My desire to please others, always have a favorable impression, very compliant to conventional rules and conforming to my superiors are precise evidences of what underwrites this style. I personally do not seek attention by gaining approval, rather try to avoid unnecessary attention by just sticking to set policy and procedures. This gives me a sense of …show more content…

Because of this, it is very important to me that I work on any ineffective qualities and critical areas that may need improvement. The LSI has identified areas that have lessened my leadership skills with my former organization. I am quite proficient in terms of knowledge, expertise and productivity. Nonetheless my interpersonal skills have undermined my ability to lead effectively and confidently. It is quite unfortunate to say that my primary style is my limiting style. My urge to always “play-it-safe” has disallowed me to make bold and confident decisions. My staff was always way more opinionative than I, and I was always sure not to interact with them in a way that may threaten my own peace of mind. How did I ever expect to be a strong, respected leader if I left my staff to make all decisions? LSI Style Interpretations My personalized LSI Style Interpretation further explained its determination of my passive/defensive style. Supporting my prior notions, I place too much work and effort on seeking approval from others. I tend to feel a sense of anxiety when I fear that someone is displeased with my efforts; thus, rather I safely “take a back seat” when making critical decisions. Impact on Management