
Sergeant Cole Character Analysis

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“Sergeant Cole served as an inspiration to his comrades, and his stouthearted leadership in the face of almost certain death,” Getting pinned down by mortar, grenade, and machine gun fire, the countless thoughts that went through his head at that moment the overwhelming fear that he had to overcome. Sgt Cole and his squad faced many obstacles on the island of Iwo Jima, the one thing he knew was he had to lead his squad inwards into the island and continue to advance on the enemy. The kind of leadership you must possess to be able to have your squad follow you into the hands death is remarkable. As Sergeants of Marines the kind of leadership you must acquire to be a successful leader in any situation, I believe it would be to lead by example, be respected, and be fearless. Many Sergeants throughout history have done extraordinary courageous things from Sgt Cole during World War Two to Sgt Gonzalez during the battle of Hue city, Vietnam. The one trait that all these Sergeants have is leading by example. …show more content…

Most Sergeants nowadays face the fear of uncertainty in the decisions they make in garrison for example having to correct a deficiency in a subordinate that is your friend, or fearing of what your leadership thinks of you when you don’t make the popular decision they ask of you instead of following the orders and regulations. That’s why having that fearless leadership is most significant when making decisions like these, having to be that enforcer and being that pillar of what the Marine Corps stands for, this will gain you the respect of your leaders and your junior

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