Serial Killer Research Paper

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Brady O’Banion Ms. Crain English 10 April 2024 The Psychology of Serial Killers There are an insane number of murders committed each year and all of them are irreversible. That takes us into our topic about the psychology of serial killers. There are so many murders that go unsolved or they are solved, but we are all left wondering why? Why would anybody ever do such an evil thing? This topic is overlooked by millions of people when in reality it can help make the world a better place. The psychology of serial killers is something that needs to be studied to help the FBI understand killers' tendencies, to help psychopaths get the help they need, and to help researchers better understand how their brains work. One reason the psychology of killers …show more content…

This article reveals that oftentimes, serial killers can be linked to specific personalities. The quote shows that murderers tend to be antisocial and narcissistic. Because we know this information, law enforcement can use it to help determine possible suspects for specific cases. Another article called “Are Serial Killers Born or Made” explains some other traits that psychopaths and killers have. Christain writes, “Psychopaths are skilled at lying and manipulating, and may create elaborate stories to deceive others” (Christain). This evidence explains how murderers are very good at lying and how they can trick people into believing them. Because of this, police and other law enforcement can consciously listen and pick up on any possible lies that the suspect says. Also, they can talk to people near the suspect and determine whether or not the stories match up. This will allow them to be more focused and better understand murderers' tricks. Therefore, officers of the law need to be able to understand the tendencies and habits of serial killers so they can be able to make more accurate …show more content…

His quote can be related to the thesis because it lists some possible traumatic experiences that killers go through. Because of this information, we can provide help to people who have experienced similar events. Also, it can help us better understand what the killer was going through. To an extent, it can almost make us feel sympathy for them. Another piece of evidence is from a source used earlier titled “The Dark Psychology of Serial Killers: Unpacking the Factors Behind their Brutal Behaviour”. The text claims, “Childhood abuse can have lasting effects on an individual’s mental and emotional health, and research has suggested that individuals who experienced childhood abuse are more likely to engage in violent behaviour compared to those who did not experience abuse” (Relojo). This indicates that abuse as a child can lead to violent behaviors. That point is important because we can make sure to help people who go through abuse. This will help people get back on track and recover from the traumatic

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