Ted Bundy Research Paper

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Throughout the time of man, serial killers have been found all around the world. Serial killers are defined as people who commit “unlawful homicide of at least two people, carried out in a series over a period of time” (Jenkins). But with recent research the clues to why they kill are surfacing. Serial killers are made from many different factors to create this evil with in our society. The fact of the matter is a person cannot genetically profile a serial killer totally because ever serial killer is different in a sense for example, their drives to kill are different and how they do it are as well. But it is scene that serial killers have distinct traits such as “sensation seeking, a lack of remorse or guilt, impulsivity, the need for control, and predatory behavior” (Morton). These traits have been a learned thing from their childhood to adulthood. Serial killers are simply not born, they are made. …show more content…

He raped them killed numerous women throughout his years. He had a rough childhood and did not have a lot of friends. His mother was embarrassed of him early on but then married again. Ted’s family was a normal working family from then on but he still displayed traits of a serial killer. Knives were always an interest of Ted and he also enjoyed peering in through other people’s windows, his darker character is beginning to develop. While attending the University of Washington Ted fell for a young good looking woman that had everything he wanted in a girl, but that girl broke up with him setting the spark to a fire that is ready to burn. Ted Killed women and raped them which resembled his once “love”, if this woman (ex-girlfriend) never entered his life or broke

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