Essay On Christianity Counseling

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Assessment is an important part of sexuality counseling (Long, Burnett, &Thomas, 2006). It is a time where counselors begin to “know” their clients. Taking the appropriate time to asses helps counselors develop more effective treatment strategies and goals for their client’s success in therapy. Long et al. (2006) noted that assessment begins with the initial contact between the counselor and the client. The initial contact includes the first phone call or in-person contact the counselor has with the client. Also, the authors emphasize the importance of an extended first session that lasts about two hours. This gives counselors more time to use the appropriate assessment tools to gather the information needed for intervention strategies and goal setting. While doing this, counselors need to provide hope and encouragement to their clients. It is imperative that counselors promote positivity during the …show more content…

However, If I had to pick one, the assessment process, mentioned in chapter three, stands out the most. I really like how the assessment process starts with the counselor 's initial contact with the client, whether that be on the phone or in person. Given the nature of sexuality counseling, clients may feel reluctant to discuss their concerns for counseling. Long et al. (2006) stated that the assessment tools used in sexuality counseling, such as the sexual genograms and sex histories, may take more time than the first session allows. Thus, starting the assessment as soon as possible is essential. Also, this assessment technique reminds me of why my own dieting or weight loss plans never work. I have always been the type of person to say "well I will start my diet on Monday." In reality, that never works. I usually keep saying the same thing every week and never break my habit of eating too much. I believe this is also the case in the counseling

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