Exploring The Impact Of Sexual Harassment Issues On School Counselors

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Impact of Sexual Harassment Issues on School Counselors Sexual harassment is a reality that has become way too common, especially in this last year. Countless actresses and musicians have come forward with stories and experiences that have really put this issue on the cultural map. Although it is great that it is being talked about more, sexual harassment has always been present in workplaces and unfortunately, schools. Whether it is between students or teachers, sexual harassment has been an issue in several schools. In a study conducted by the American Association of University Women, they found that over eighty percent of students reported that they had been sexually harassed at least once in their student career. There are countless cases …show more content…

I am currently working at two elementary schools and fortunately, sexual harassment is not a prevalent issue on campus. I think that if there were any sexual harassment-like behavior, I think it would be similar to the news report concerning the six-year-old student who was suspended for sexual harassment. In that situation, it was more a student not knowing appropriate boundaries or behavior at school rather than sexual harassment. Many students in an elementary setting do not even know what sex is let alone sexual harassment and I think it can and would be traumatizing to put that label on that type of behavior if it is unknowingly done. I am fully aware that there are exceptions to this, especially regarding sexual harassment between adults and students, and it is certainly important to be aware of the laws under Title IX and always be alert and tuned into the behaviors and actions of students, no matter their age. Staying alert and knowledgeable of what is happening at my school will help me both prevent sexual harassment and identify any possible situations that I can intervene on to protect my