Share Of Opinion On Breastfeeding

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To ensure breastfeeding can take place, in this next section, we will analyze the various ways one can be supportive of breastfeeding. In order to be supportive, we will discuss the common biological challenges that women have to face while breastfeeding. Indeed, breastfeeding can take a significant toll on a woman’s body including issues such as sore nipples, odd-shaped nipples, low milk supply, engorgement, plugged ducts, and nursing strike (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services). At the beginning of the breastfeeding process, sore nipples can be quite painful and discouraging. The best thing a mother can do is to find some appropriate and comfortable positions for the baby to latch on to both breast and nipples. Avoid putting pressure …show more content…

This involves creating pleasant surroundings for both the mother and baby as much as possible. Based on a survey title “Share of Opinion on Breastfeeding in Public in The United Kingdom in 2015” (Statista), 1,052 women between age 18 and 45 and are currently pregnant or with a child under two years old were asked to share opinion on breastfeeding in public. The overwhelming majority of responders (65.4%) said it was “perfectly natural” to breastfeed in public. However, 13.2% think it is “embarrassing”, 17.5% think it is “unavoidable”, and even 3.9% think it is just wrong. As evidence by the survey, there is still a part of society that looks down on women who breastfeeds in public. This is rather unfortunate since public acceptance can have significant effect on some women regarding their decision to breastfeed. In fact, breastfeeding is as natural as it gets and should not be an embarrassing act. So, it is necessary that concerns should be voiced both in public and at work to secure a friendly environment that promotes breastfeeding. As a further matter, people should be aware that it can take up to many weeks for breastfeeding to become a relaxing experience for both mother and baby. Consequently, people around a new mother need to be considerate of her preference regarding privacy with her baby. At the same time, taking care of an infant is serious work; her family should be available to assist around the