Building Shared Value Case Study

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The heart of any organisation is its values. That is why it most important to incorporate values into the general operations of any organisation (Parry & Proctor-Thomson, 2002). Inasmuch as every organisation has the primary responsibility to ensure that the organisation does not lose its income and asset they also have the responsibility to ensure that the core values are maintained (Resick et al 2006). It must also be noted that, organisations most often than not tend to look out for leaders who can maintain profit and who also can stand to upkeep positive values (Reilly & Ehlinger, 2007). For an organisation to be successful in it management particularly for big organisation it must be centred on its …show more content…

The first step to designing shared value in any organisation is to first of all enhance the understanding of staff, client and key stakeholder about the leadership structure, various level of leadership authority and some of the dynamics that accompanies it. According to Rouillard & Giroux (2005), reorganising an organisation has key characteristics such are flexibility, performance, accountability, and simplification. In as much as these characteristics are very important yet it is also extremely important that values and ethics are introduced as a way of maintaining the governance structure. Agreeing with Mills & Spencer (2005) the essence of developing values within the organisation is to control behaviour and actions. When the values dominate every aspect of the organisational leadership then there is shared responsibility at all level of the …show more content…

In designing shared values in an organisation every personnel, customers, and stakeholders concerned in achieving the goals of the organisation must be fully involved. In modern day world of work there is a huge emphasis on participation and motivation in achieving goals. Kouzes & Posner (1993) mentioned that one of the precondition to establish credibility and trust between the leader and its employees is to develop a participatory approach in all programmes implemented by the organisation. Furthermore, they also maintained when an organisation becomes participatory in its approach there is a shift from the leader as the beginning and the end to ensuring total ownership of the values by all employees, customers and stakeholders. Pruzan (1998) also recommends that to ensure effective participation of employees there must be a communication strategy that create a space for them to input in the development of the values through a dialogue process with the senior management team. Mills and Spencer (2005) also claimed that there should be platform where stakeholders can share information and also collaborate. This is essential because they are also involved in ensuring that the goals and values of the organisation are met. That is why in recent times and in most organisation decision making is no longer the sole responsibility of