“Sharks Don’t Bite” is a fifteen-page screenplay that we would like to transform into a fully professional, narrative short film. The short film follows the story of two young girls: Maime, a foster child living with an abusive foster father and her friend Tiff, an orphan. The two decide to follow the stories of Tiff’s late mother and decide to run away to a dream-like Jamaica. On their journey, the two girls question their decision to leave, learn how to depend on each other, and ultimately face their own lives.
This is a story worth telling.
There is a key element that separates “Sharks Don’t Bite” and similar runaway stories: independence. Early in our story, we establish that Mamie and Tiff or not dependent on their negligent caretakers. In fact, the abusive foster father is more dependent on his foster child than she is on him. Most runaway stories follow the characters as they learn that they need to be back
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We also hope to submit the film to several different film festivals and contests across the world. We have experience in the past having films go to various festivals playing in multiple countries. With the grant, the film will be able to be produced at the same level as short films that play at international film festivals such as the Cannes and South by Southwest.
With partial funding, “Sharks Don’t Bite” will still be able to be produced; we will just lose a few key aspects of our project. We will not be able to produce at the industry quality that we are striving for, but the film will be completed.
“Sharks Don’t Bite” is a story that is worth sharing with the world, but in order to do the story justice, we need help. With assistance from the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts, we will be able to fully bring “Sharks Don’t Bite” to life, and take the art created at the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film to the next