Nursing In Malaysia Essay

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Globally healthcare industry is known to have a good market and there are many services supporting each other to build a strong foundation for any healthcare organization. One of the major components in any healthcare organizations is the nursing team as nursing consist the biggest number of employees in a healthcare organization. Nursing is a noble profession and it is a tough job. Nurses manage all types of people, conditions and situations, handling the patient’s, their families, doctors and other healthcare providers. Nurses do work long hours, reaching the hospital before sunrise and leaving after the sun sets. Nurses are known to have a great responsible on their shoulder and they are committed to their job. Healthcare industry can never be established if there are no nurses onboard. Nurses in Malaysia consist of Registered Nurse (RN), State Enrolled Nurse (SEN), Midwives, Mental health nurse and Public health nurse. All these nurses are required to be registered under the Malaysia Nursing Board and Midwives Board under …show more content…

This results shows that here are many Malaysian who are very much interested in contributing their services into healthcare. Despite having an increase number of people joining the nursing profession, hospitals still facing a great challenges in retaining the nurses as 46.8% of them do have the intention to leave to other countries due to the great offer. Therefore, this leads to nursing shortage compared to other healthcare providers such as pharmacist, laboratory technologist, physiotherapist and many more (Roslan, Manaf, Filzatun & Azahadi, 2014). In Malaysia the shortage of nurse as at the ratio of nurses to Malaysian residents is one nurse to three hundred and eighty seven (387). Which means in Malaysia one nurse is taking care of 387 patients (Ministry of Health Malaysia,

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