Should America Use The Metric System Essay

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12 inches in a foot. 3 feet in a yard. 1760 yards in a mile. These conversions have nothing in common. Does this seem like a logical system to use over a system that is based on the powers of ten? I didn’t think so. The metric system is a much more logical system that America should not only adopt, but use. America should join the 193 other countries and use the metric system because it benefits us in every way.
The first reason why America should use the metric system is the rest of the world is using it. According to mental floss, 193 countries are currently using the metric system compared to the three not using it. Also teaching children both systems of measurement will confuse them. As of right now, America is the only industrialized country not using it. Why should we keep making conversions when we could switch. This brings me to my next point.
The next reason why America should switch is because it sets America back economically and scientifically. Currently, all science is done in the metric system, even in America. Using the …show more content…

It is bound to happen. In 2015 The Pediatrics Journal conducted a study where parents had to measure out a certain amount of medicine, depending on what the bottle read. The dosages were labeled in the metric system. Forty percent of the parents measured the wrong amount of medicine. Twenty percent of which tried to convert it to the customary system in their head. In 1999, NASA lost 125 million dollars due to the fact of miss conversions. The American company that NASA had received the parts from to build their space orbitor had labeled, measured and manufactured them using the customary system. When NASA was calculating the science of the orbiter they were using the Metric system. They had forgotten to convert the customary to metric. When it was time to launch the orbiter flew into the air and came crashing down as fast as it had gone