Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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Essay (3): Increasing the Mandatory Rest Periods for NCAA Athletes Every young athlete begins their career with a passion for the game and the overwhelming desire to play their sport simply because it is fun. That passion then fuels their commitment to improve their skills and become the best they can be. Athletes all over the world dream about being able to continue to play their sport at the collegiate level, pushing themselves harder and harder everyday in order to make that dream a reality. However, when do these young athletes begin to trade their physical and mental health for their athletic abilities? Where do we draw the line between pushing ourselves to reach our goals and completely wearing down our bodies? Are college athletes truly …show more content…

Currently, there are regulations that have been put into place that coaches and players must follow in an attempt to ensure that student athletes are protected from mandatory practices for specific amounts of time. NCAA Bylaw states, “during the playing season, a student-athlete's participation in countable athletically related activities shall be limited to a maximum of four hours per day and 20 hours per week” (NCAA Official Website, Bylaws, Playing and Practice Seasons). In addition to this, NCAA Bylaw also states, “all countable athletically related activities shall be prohibited during one calendar day per week, except during participation in one conference and postseason championship and any postseason certified bowl games or National Invitational” (NCAA Official Website, Bylaws, Playing and Practice Seasons). Being a college student is hard enough as it is, and when you add “athlete” to the end of that title, it introduces an unfathomable amount of unique challenges on top of …show more content…

There are only twenty-four hours in a day, and by the time you finish school and practice while also making sure to eat, shower, and do chores, you are almost completely exhausted by the time you even think about sitting down to do homework. Balancing the demands of athletics and academics requires exceptional time management skills as well as additional support from coaches, professors, and peers. While it is not impossible to do, for many athletes, this weight can become overwhelming, which can cause numerous repercussions. In addition to allowing more time to focus on academics, having stricter rest regulations would also allow the student athletes more time to effectively rest their bodies. Beth Skyper, author of the article titled “Burnout in Athletes”, defines burnout as “a response to chronic stress of continued demands in a sport or activity without the opportunity for physical and mental rest and recovery”. 4. The adage of the adage. An aspect of fitness that often gets overlooked is the importance of